Expressive Arts Therapy
“In the early days of our innocence, the soul needs an image that it resonates with if it is to come forward…something it recognizes, in other words, a mirror.”
— Sharon Martin, Jungian psychoanalyst
What is SoulCollage®?
A method of self-discovery and self-expression through images which tell a story. Each card in your SoulCollage® deck represents an aspect of your MindBodySoul that is seeking to guide you, challenge you, and bring you into greater balance.
Discover intuitive answers that come from deep, mysterious places. Intuition is what allows you to select images you are drawn to and repelled by, even if they don’t make logical sense. Learn to trust your intuition and follow where it leads.
Imagination is activated when you can be curious, open, and nonjudgmental to whatever shows up. SoulCollage® offers an abundance of techniques for giving yourself permission to work and play creatively with your images and inner parts.
Each card you create is a piece of the puzzle that is you. In SoulCollage®, these puzzle pieces talk! Your cards will say the darndest things and jolt you by their insight, capacity to love and comfort you, and daring to call you out and call you in.
“Collaborate with chance” and discover surprising synchronicities when creating and consulting your cards. These meaningful coincidences have a way of meeting your needs in the moment and revealing how the the psyche and archetypal are linked.
SoulCollage® is about creating sacred spaces and rituals for getting intimately acquainted with the wholeness of your MindBodySoul and the unfolding of your Life Story. Your cards hold sacred truths and are there to support you in your personal healing journey.
SoulCollage® in Therapy
SoulCollage® is a valuable therapeutic technique that may be incorporated into therapy. I am a trained SoulCollage® Facilitator and passionate about sharing this powerfully creative process to support your personal growth and wellness goals.
Images are the symbolic language of the soul and the unconscious. SoulCollage® helps you access these deeper terrains of MindBodySoul in what Seena Frost, psychotherapist and founder of SoulCollage®, calls “right-brain play.”
SoulCollage® has many applications to facilitate insight into your inner cast of characters and personality parts which are hindering and helping you. Discover which aspects of your MindBodySoul are balanced or in need of balancing, which is to say, working with Light and Shadow.
I will guide you through the process of creating your own deck of SoulCollage® cards to symbolize those inner parts of yourself, your community, and the archetypes that are choosing to work in you. You will learn creative ways of working and playing with your cards to answer your life’s questions and find guidance from within.
SoulCollage® offers an abundance of experiential activities to tap into the wisdom of your MindBodySoul, including:
creating cards in the four suits (Committee, Council, Community, Companions)
doing “readings” using your deck
in-depth journaling questions
inner child healing
shadow work
dream work
chakra work
Discover Your Wisdom. Change Your World.™
Seena’s Wisdom: What is creativity?
“A person is creative when he/she arouses that sleeping Creative Neter within (we all have one), and gives it permission, time, and encouragement to venture into the vast sea of floating ideas, images, and words. Then, from this vastness, our Creative Neter takes out certain pieces that are beckoning, assembles them, and fits them together in a totally new way. This may take an hour or a day or a year, but your Creative Neter hopes to come forth, in time, with a new creation in hand."
— Seena Frost, founder of SoulCollage®
SoulCollage® Sample Cards
SoulCollage® Resources
Here are some ideas and suggestions for supplies:
Wide selection of images
Glue stick
5x8 mat boards. You can purchase “super thick index cards” and glue two cards together, which approximates the thickness/firmness of mat boards. Link here.
Ready to set up a free 30 minute discovery call to see if therapy is right for you?
We will talk about your goals, and I can help you decide if I’m the right fit for you.
The Guest House by Rumi
This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.
The dark thought, the shame, the malice.
Meet them at the door laughing and invite them in.
Be grateful for whatever comes.
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.